Thursday, August 27, 2020
How to be an effective team Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Step by step instructions to be a viable group - Research Proposal Example a)For a grown-up student, powerful cooperation is urgent for learning and information securing process. For this age gathering, group correspondence is one of the primary components which help the association to make superior groups and accomplish further development and advancement. When all is said in done, a learning group can be characterized as a gathering of people cooperating to tackle issues or achieve assignments. It is the ever-changing aggregate emotions, expectations, issues and torments of the network. As opposed to just tell understudies that a specific circumstance or issue is fascinating or significant, scientists propose that the educator attempt to stimulate their feeling of interest (Bruner, 2007). When stirred, it will help the understudies through the arranged course of study. Students must engage with whatever theme or issue they select and should gain proficiency with its attributes just as the general aptitudes of critical thinking. To put it plainly, we learn by doing. The conventional, sensible strategy for instructional method presents a methodical, sorted out group of material. The mental technique interfaces the subject to the students life circumstance and afterward gives the person in question work through it access at first disordered structure until a more clear comprehension rises (Dickson and Hargie, 2003). For a grown-up student, learning groups are an amazing structure alternative that plans to address the difficulties of expanded information requests, improve yield quality, and address the social needs of the ever-changing worldwide workforce. Be that as it may, the achievement or disappointment of work groups will rely to a great extent upon correspondence. Compelling correspondence necessitates that HR specialists adjust key presumptions about inspiration, structure, and responsibility. Adjusted suppositions must help sidelong reasoning, coordinated effort, relationship, an emphasis on process, penetrable limits, and common obligation. Learning groups are best when there is high assignment reliance
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tips For Writing Essays
Tips For Writing EssaysWriting essays can be difficult. I have had so many students tell me that they are having a lot of trouble with writing essays. I was in their shoes once and although I was happy to be on the path to college, I found that I had a lot of trouble with writing.It is certainly no mystery that writing an essay can be difficult. All it takes is one terrible paragraph, a bad sentence construction, or a poor thesis statement to make a student's life miserable.The difficulty arises because students often do not know how to go about making their essays successful. They know how to follow directions, but do not know how to make sure they follow them properly. As a result, a lot of essays get written and never written. In this article, I will discuss some steps that will help students writing essays to succeed.First, you must know what your topic is and what the subject matter is. Once you know the topic, you can determine the outline for your essay. Many students avoid ou tlines because they feel it is too wordy and tedious.Then you need to decide whether you want to write a thesis statement or just a statement about the topic. Tertiary statements are sometimes easier to write than statements that simply review the topic. After you decide which statement you are going to write, you will need to choose the topic. This choice may be different for each student, but it is important to choose a topic that will be interesting. Usually you will find the same topics covered in several different writing projects.The topic should be related to your basic essay topic. Therefore, if you are writing an essay about 'movies,' then it is important to include movies in your topic. However, if you are writing an essay about 'events in Japan' you may not include events in Japan in your topic.After choosing the topic, the next step is to write the body of your essay. Although writing the body is very similar to writing the body of an essay, it is more important to organ ize your thoughts and introduce some ideas. When you know where your essay is going, it is much easier to follow a structure that you can work with.In conclusion, while there is no right or wrong way to write an essay, there are several tips that will help make sure that students writing essays will become better writers. If you can follow a proper writing process and stick to a certain plan, your writing should become much better. Therefore, take these tips into consideration and make sure that you study as much as possible.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Discussing Neumans System Model and its Application
Examining Neumans System Model and its Application One of the most significant commitments in the field of nursing is the production of the Neumans System Model. Betty Neuman, a nursing scholar accepts on a thorough wholistic and efficient point of view on learning. She plans to build up a framework that will help early on nursing understudies to gain proficiency with the course and build up their general being. She expect the presence of specific stressors where in specific counteractions should likewise be detailed. This paper will introduce a concise foundation on the life and distributed works of Neuman. This will likewise remember a definite conversation for her frameworks model and the components to consider while applying the model to specific circumstances. In conclusion, given this model, how might a nursing understudy apply this to her present practice. 1. Presentation/Background a. Life/school Betty Neuman, conceived in Ohio US has gotten her recognition as Registered Nurse in People Hospital School of Nursing (Ohio) in the year 1947. She worked in California as a head medical caretaker and clinic staff, mechanical attendant and school nurture. She has additionally occupied with clinical instructing in the accompanying regions: transmittable illness, clinical careful and basic consideration. b. work/scholastic accomplishment/encounters She completed her baccalaureate degree with unique excellence in nursing in the year 1957. Also, in the year 1966, she got her lords degree in Mental Health, Public Health Consultation, from UCLA. In the year 1985, he got her doctoral certificate in Clinical Psychology ffrom Pacific Western University. With this she began to consolidate and become pioneer in joining nursing association in psychological wellness. She built up a model from because of the necessities of graduate nursing understudies who wished to have a course or a program that will open them to an inside and out broadness of nursing issues. With this, she made an applied system or model for nursing that has been at first distributed in the year 1972 entitled: Model for Teaching Total Person Approach to Patient Problems in Nursing Research. Alongside this model, she refined and audited a few viewpoints in for her distributed book entitled: The Neuman Systems Model: Application to Nursing Education and Practice. Neumans model has been assessed as all encompassing, thorough, adaptable and framework based point of view for nursing. It essential consideration has been centered around customer reaction framework towards the potential and genuine ecological stressors. What's more, she utilized all means from essential to tertiary nursing avoidance, intercession for maintenance, upkeep and accomplishment for an all encompassing health of customers. c. Rundown of not many works that is distributed. The Neuman Systems Model This work was distributed in the Nursing Research in 1872. She built up this model as an approach to show initial nursing course to starting nursing understudies. This means to give wholistic outline to the four parts of an individual. These four angles are mental, physiological, formative and sociocultural. Portrayal OF THE MODEL The Neuman Systems Model presents a frameworks based structure for survey people, families or networks. It depends on general frameworks hypothesis with the customer saw as an open framework, which responds and adjusts to both inside and outer stressors.  NSM depends on various ideas and sub ideas, some of which are: stress, adjustment, homeostasis, levels of avoidance, intra, entomb and additional individual variables, ideal health and essential structure. The accompanying depiction of the model is a concise rundown of the portrayal found in the first production (Neuman Young 1972) with models included by the creators. In this clarification of the model the customer will be viewed as a person. The customer framework is spoken to by a progression of strong and broken circles. The focal circle is the fundamental structure or vitality source, which incorporates essential endurance factors regular to the species. A few models are hereditary reaction examples, qualities or shortcomings of body organs and ordinary temperature go. The fundamental structure likewise comprises of qualities which are one of a kind  to a given individual or customer, for example, inborn melodic ability. The external most strong circle is alluded to as the  normal line of safeguard and speaks to the people ordinary condition of health or the standard condition of adjustment, which the individual has kept up after some time.  The broken line outside the ordinary line of protection is the adaptable line of safeguard. It goes about as a support or security to the ordinary line of barrier. Preferably it will keep stressors from attacking the customer framework by blocking or defusing stressors before they can assault the ordinary line of safeguard. The adaptable line of safeguard is accordion like in its capacity. At the point when it is extended more noteworthy security is given. At the point when it is limited and along these lines nearer to the typical line of resistance, its capacity to secure is lessened. The NSM additionally incorporates the idea of avoidance at the essential, auxiliary and tertiary levels. This idea is of specific significance to the individuals who work in the helping callings. Intercessions can happen at an essential level to reinforce the adaptable line of protection, at an auxiliary level to help reestablish the customer framework to balance by treating side effects that happen after infiltration of the line of guard by a stressor or an at the tertiary level to forestall more remote harm and keep up steadiness after reconstitution has happened. INTERDISCIPLINARY FIT In spite of the fact that utilization of interdisciplinary groups isn't new to human services businesses, it has increased expanding favor in the earth  of social insurance change as confirm by legislative proposals and rules (U S Bureau of Health Professions, 1995) and position explanations from proficient associations (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 1995). The pattern in nursing is to work together with other human services trains just as with customers. Utilization of  interdisciplinary human services (IHC) groups can encourage the rise of all encompassing customer care objectives from groups of differing medicinal services pros. Change in the medicinal services industry is influencing  all wellbeing callings. In the development for human services change, accentuation is being put on such things as the requirement for wellbeing advancement, composed consideration, and decrease in cost. A portion of the watchwords are counteraction, wellbeing and solid ways of life. Ideas in the NSM are equals to those watch words. Consequently, it isn't amazing that utilization of the N.S.M. as a system for interdisciplinary social insurance practice is expanding, in the United States as well as around the globe. In Neuman (1995), Lowry, Walker and Mirenda express the accompanying:  The Neuman Systems Model is unmistakably ready and prepared for the difficulties of things to come. Once in a while portrayed in the past as excessively wide, mind boggling and complete, the model is coming in to its own with the difficulties of the 21st century. The complexities of the worldwide society, of emergencies in medicinal services conveyance, and of changing examples and threats from nature give improvement to new utilizations of the Neuman Systems Model. The model isn't  only wide and thorough enough to give structure to nursing mediations, yet in addition for different controls keen on concentrating on wellbeing and all encompassing consideration for patients and customers . . . . The continuous use and insightful improvement of the Neuman Systems Model by and by, training, Elements TO CONSIDER WHEN INCORPORATING THE NSM Understanding the Model Understanding the model is the initial step to fuse of the NSM in any  practice setting. There is a lot of  flexibility in how this can occur, for example, giving classes a specialist addressing on the model, sending staff to NSM conferences, holding a progression of classes in which talk and conversation center around different parts of the N.S.M. or on the other hand adopting the strategy utilized by the creators  in which colleagues utilized the model to create treatment conventions for real cases. During the training meetings, cases from colleagues lived experience rapidly and adequately brought the NSM from the degree of hypothesis to that of use and permitted the group to encounter the attack of the model to their organization and individual methods of reasoning. Learning the Language of the Model Learning the language of the model is certainly not a huge issue for most wellbeing  care experts. As expressed before, the model advances blend of information from zones of study which structure the network for nursing training. That lattice has components normal to the instructive establishments of other social insurance callings. Every one of the five factors, for example physiological, mental, socio-social, formative and otherworldly, is related with a field of information that frames the base for training in some human services related calling. For instance, medication, brain research, active recuperation, social work, and marriage and family mentoring, share bits of the instructive network related with nursing. Along these lines they are capable, generally, to communicate in the language of the NSM, and make significant commitments to an interdisciplinary human services group which utilizes the model. Be that as it may, in view of the broadness of  the NSM, different hypoth eses, some of which are calling explicit, can and should be identified with the appraisal and mediation forms. All colleagues must be delicate to the specific language of their control (Morrissey, 1989) and must explain to different individuals where proper. A typical language will aid improvement of solidarity among group members.  It is useful to set up as a gathering standard the desire that every part is dependable to request and hope to get explanation of all new phrasing utilized by some other colleague. It isn't bizarre for pastorate to have an instructive foundation not at all like that of the social insurance callings. The
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka - 920 Words
And face it. No kid in high school feels as if they fit in. In correspondence to the questioning of belonging to a stereotypical teenage society, in the story, â€Å"The Metamorphosis,†by Franz Kafka, is a showing of how in a day-to-day â€Å"regular†lifestyle can result in the alienating of the metamorphosing of something not as typical in your self-styled day-to-day â€Å"regular†lifestyle. This also can be known as outsiders, people who do not belong to a particular group, signifying the argument that newcomers are simply those who are misjudged or misunderstood for the two reasons of. Since, the men and women that are seen as â€Å"normal†or â€Å"popular†look down upon these outcasts, and others follow that philosophy with them. It has been said before†¦show more content†¦His family is so scared of his morphing from human to a beetle that they chose to neglect him as a son. His family knows not of what actions to take, nor how to handle the conflict. The same idea is applied to how people take strange or outcasted individuals. They know not of how to cope with them or work with them, not knowing what they’re like, so they shun them. Additionally, when people try to reach out to them, they may obtain the incorrect conception of the outsider. For example, say that it is a quarterbacks senior year, and it is finally his time to start up. Everyone praises him, he feels at the top of his game, then a transfer student comes. Another starting quarterback for a better team, takes his spot. He no longer has the reputation he did have due to the better quarterback that transferred. Soon after a coach or player may decide to approach them and enforce more work on the field instead of defeating the problem from the source. A star player can be metamorphosed into a lowly outcast when this happens. The conception others may take is that the initial quarterback is jealous, however he just feels as though hes worked extremely hard these years to finally start and then aquire that taken away from him. When a group as a whole misunderstand the situation and the person in it, the efforts to understand it are not executed correctly, and it ends in alienation. People think a variety of ways, they are all constructed differently and haveShow MoreRelatedThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Analysis of the story â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, by Franz Kafka was2200 Words  | 9 PagesThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Analysis of the story â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, by Franz Kafka was written back in the early 1900’s, but reflected a more modern way of thinking and lifestyle of today. Gregor felt that he was a slave to his job, isolated from his co-workers, and misunderstood by his family. Although that is the norm in today’s society, it was not the norm back then. In the story Gregor finds himself transformed into a cockroach and his internal struggles become a permanent reality. Read MoreAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis 3979 Words  | 16 PagesAustin Day Professor Imali Abala English 357 18 February 2015 The Theme of Alienation in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka in 1915 is said to be one of the greatest literary works of all time and is seen as one of Kafka’s best and most popular works of literature. A relatively short novel; the story explains how the protagonist, Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a vermin which completely estranges him from the world even moreRead Moreâ€Å"Analysis of Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka938 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Metamorphosis†is an absurd novella written by the careful and self-conscious writer, Franz Kafka and narrated in third person omniscient by an anonymous figure who tells the story of protagonist Gregor Samsa in a neutral tone. The story was published in 1915 and is primarily about the effects of Samsa’s transformation into a large and monstrous bug. Kafka’s use of irony, symbolism and, major themes make a strong impact. The story takes place in a room of an apartment with no definite historicalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1490 Words  | 6 Pagesused in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, which is about a man named Gregor, who woke up one day to find out he had turned into a vermin. Following his discovery, he tried to go to work to support his family, which ended up revealing his new form. Gregor was locked in his room and slowly lost his humanity and connection to his family. Gregor eventually died alone in his room, and his family took it as a chance to restart after they realized they could support themselves without him (Kafka, The Metamorphosis)Read MoreThe Metamorphosis Franz Kafka Analysis1067 Words  | 5 Pages In the metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, there are significant actions and transformations which make the story sad, and strange with a happy ending. Explanations that are dramatic events that intensify the excitement of all these actions. Reality and reflection play an important role in this story because the events that happened could be applied and assimilated with modern society. The story is very sad and realistic, some of the things that are related in Kafkas story can be found in modern familiesRead MoreAn Analysis Of The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1003 Words  | 5 PagesThe metamorphosis, written by a German author Franz Kafka. Kafka and his Metamorphosis is a masterpiece of absurdist literature, but what is the most absurd part in this whole story ? Everyones first reaction may be human turn into beetles this setting could be the most absurd sense indeed, because this kind of transformation is never going to happen in reality. However, in the history of literature, there are numerous similar ‘metamorphosis’ plot happens between human and animals or plantsRead MoreAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis 1711 Words  | 7 Pagescertain theme that most readers can relate to. Franz Kafka, a renowned German-speaking fiction writer of the 20th century, uses a unique style of writing that many people believe is a telling of his own life story. In his well-known short story, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, many similarities and connections can be seen between the main character, Gregor Samsa, and the author himself, Franz Kafka. A major comparison that can be made is the fact that both Samsa and Kafka died slow, lonesome deaths after being inRead MoreAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis1873 Words  | 8 Pageswriters take their creative control to emphasize the current state of the freedom and control of the individual. Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, various World War I poems, and Brecht’s Fear and Misery of the Third Reich show the lack of individual freedom and control that people had over their lives during the destruction that occurred in the 20th century. Published in 1915, Franz Kafka wasted no time in starting his discussion about freedom and control through the life of Gregor. After he awakes and realizesRead MoreAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s Metamorphosis1985 Words  | 8 Pagestruly seen? Does one view one’s external self, or do they see a reflection of past experience? Not many have the value of altruism, but some do. Sometimes altruism can turn extremist though, to the point where it can be a negative thing. In Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, the main character Gregor Samsa is a workaholic that randomly one day awakens as a bug. Initially, Gregor sees himself with a condition, and then slowly tries to adapt to his bug transformation. Gregor did not put himself first when heRead MoreAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis 1087 Words  | 5 Pagesmercy were ignored. Franz Kafka’s novella is not about a dictator but it alludes to a person close to Franz that was as close to a dictator that he ever go to. Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, is about a young man that wakes up one day and is a vermin and has to maneuver around his home and come to terms with his six itchy legs. It probably sounds like a load of fictitious ramblings that somehow became a classical novel. Wrong! Look a little closer and the secret message Franz Kafka wrote for his father
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Summary On The Problem Of Musical - 1936 Words
Perspective Adorno, Theodore W. On the Problem of Musical Analysis. 169-87. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Translated by Max Paddison. Hoboken: Wiley, 1982. Adorno discusses the problems with analysis. Particularly critical of Schenker, arguing that when applied to music not of Beethoven, Schenkerian analysis tells us very little. He talks about how analysis the theme, which seems like a pretty straight forward statement, but when you spend years applying roman numeral analysis to every piece of music you come across, it’s a pretty new statement. The best part of this article is when he says that the analysis of new music is inherently â€Å"a betrayal of the work†. Cusick, Suzanne G. On a Lesbian Relation with Music: A Serious Effort Not to Think Straight. In Queering the Pitch: The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology, edited by Philip Brett, Elizabeth Wood, and Gary C. Thomas, 67-83. New York: Routledge, 1994. Cusick’s article was a little hard of a read. It was very sexually charged. She was trying to show a â€Å"lesbian†musical perspective. I feel like she keeps her audience by approaching it this way. If he try not to narrow it down to â€Å"lesbian†relationship I feel like it would have been much more successful. It was a very interesting read. Guck, Marion A. Music Loving, or the Relationship with the Piece. The Journal of Musicology 15, no. 3 (1997): 343-52. It was a pretty hard to read and much of it felt like summaries of other articles. There is a summary at the beginning of anShow MoreRelatedShirley Parker Contracted With Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp946 Words  | 4 PagesShirley Parker contracted with Twentieth Century-Fox film Corp. to play the lead female actresses in the musical Bloomer Girl. The contract stated that she would be compensated of $750,000 for her role beginning May 26, 1966. On April 4, 1966, Fox informed Parker of its intention not to produce the film any longer, and instead offered her the lead role in another film with the contract being almost identical to the previous one. Parker refused and brought suit against Fox for breach of contract.Read MoreAmerican University Department Of Performing Arts1037 Words  | 5 PagesUniversity Department of Performing Arts’ production of No, No, Nanette is a musical comedy originally written, in 1925, by Otto Harbach and Frank Mandel; original music by Vin cent Youmans; lyrics written by Irving Caesar and Otto Harbach; and adapted and directed by Burt Shevelove, in 1971. Performed at AU’s Greenberg Theater, No, No, Nanette was directed by Karl Kippola and music director Brandon Adams. 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I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen Palestine The Apostles Creed is a good summary of Christian doctrine Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the miracles performed by Jesus approximately 2000 years ago. Christianity provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, ministries, and cultureRead MoreThe James Valcq s Musical Adaptation Of The Spitfire Grill1123 Words  | 5 PagesSomething Was Cooking at the Spitfire Grill Southern Utah University performed James Valcq’s musical adaptation of â€Å"The Spitfire Grill (Valcq, 2016).†The production overall was slightly above average. There were aspects of the musical that worked perfectly to go along with the main seed of redemption. Ideas and concepts of relationships, redemption, and continuity were successfully and less than successfully shared through this play. I will be going over how I believe The Spitfire Grill connectedRead MoreEssay Kermit and the Keyboard from a Cognitivist Perspective840 Words  | 4 Pageschild’s age from birth through 11 years old. The list below presents a summary of the characteristics typical at each stage: * Sensorimotor (birth to approximately age 2) – begins to mentally represent objects and events * Preoperational (2 to 7 years) – engages in symbolic play * Concrete Operational (7 to 11 years) - performs mental operations * Formal Operational (11 years onward) - Solves abstract problems in systematic and logical fashion (Driscoll, 2005, p.195) Piaget’s perspectiveRead MoreMultiple Intelligence1004 Words  | 5 Pagesintelligences Linguistic Like to do Good at†¦ Learn best by... Logical Mathematical Visual Spatial Musical Bodily Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Learning Profiles My profile My age/country profile Summary and resources Multiple Intelligence Final Essay As human beings we all learn differently. Some people learn fast while others learn slowly.Read MoreLittle Women, by Louisa May Alcott800 Words  | 4 Pagesand combined them with elements from sentimental novels, which resulted in a never-before-seen form of writing.8 All of the March sisters experienced moments where they realized that â€Å"childhood innocence†was of the past and â€Å"the inescapable woman problem†was of the present.9 Such a concept was foreign to girls of the time, and young women received Little Women extremely well. Alcott was often inspired by familiar elements in her writing: Anna, her married sister, was the model for Meg, the family
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Personal Ethical Framework ICT Professional
Question: Discuss about thePersonal Ethical Framework forICT Professional. Answer: Introduction: ICT Professional ICT experts are required to maintain various types of codes of conduct at their workplace. Codes of conduct stipulate the professional ethics that must be demonstrated by ICT workers to accomplish set goals and objectives in an organization. Professional and personal ethics help the ICT professional to get good reputation at his place. Also, it helps the ICT expert to be productive in the workplace by adhering to the set standards of a particular task (Grodzinsky, 2011). Work Ethic and Values The ICT experts are guided by ACS code of ethics, which form part of the ACS Constitution. As an ACS member, the ICT personnel are required to upload and maintain work ethics such as dignity, honesty, and integrity. ICT workers should effectively exercise high standards of honesty in their presentations of services, knowledge, products and skills. Another important trait that is of paramount importance in the workplace is competence (Hakkarainen et al., 2011). A good ICT professional is that one who dedicates to his work with the best of his knowledge and skills for his organization. Also, career development is an important aspect of a successful ICT expert. It is essential for the employee to engage in activities that contribute to profession development. Such activities may include attending seminars and conferences, participating in capacity building forums and taking further studies. Such activities enhance effective communication and presentation skills which are crucial tools f or ICT professionals. Communication with Colleagues The ICT expert should communicate with his colleagues in a manner that promotes teamwork and high levels of integrity. The worker should respect the views of other people and be ready to work together with other people to achieve the set goals of the institution. A good ICT professional is also required to keep professional distance while interacting with his colleagues especially those of opposite sex. The ICT expect should also ensure that he conveys the relevant information on time to his colleagues and managers to ensure that it is acted upon on time and avoid unnecessary incontinences (Hensel, Deis, 2010). Diversity in the Workplace Workplace environment contains people with diverse culture, political affiliation, and religion. To ensure that there is mutual understanding among all the staff members of the organization, each employer should ensure that he or she exercises high levels of tolerance by appreciating the divergent views of other people. Also, an ICT expert should have problem-solving skills which are essential in addressing conflicts that may arise as a result of the misunderstanding at the workplace (McMahon, 2014). ACS codes of ethics help the ICT experts in maintaining professional ethics at the workplace and while presenting their skills to the clients. Various ethical issues are surrounding social media sites and as therefore, ICT experts should adhere to ACS code of ethics while using sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Such good professional practice helps to maintain the integrity and reputation of ICT experts in the information and communication industry (Wessels, 2015). References: Grodzinsky, F. S. (2011). The development of the'ethical'ICT professional: and the vision of an ethical on-line society: how far have we come and where are we going?. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 30(1), 3-7. Hakkarainen, K., Muukkonen, H., Lipponen, L., Ilomki, L., Rahikainen, M., Lehtinen, E. (2011). Teachers' information and communication technology (ICT) skills and practices of using ICT and their pedagogical thinking. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9(2), 181-197. Hensel, K., Deis, M. H. (2010). Using social media to increase advertising and improve marketing. The Entrepreneurial Executive, 15, 87. Wessels, P. L. (2015). Critical information and communication technology (ICT) skills for professional accountants. Meditari accountancy research, 13(1), 87-103.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Ceremony By Marmon Silko Essays - Ceremony, American Literature
Ceremony By Marmon Silko Ceremony is a novel written by Leslie Marmon Silko. It deals with the gender roles of three women are significant to the development of a character namedd Tayo who is half-white and half-Indian. These three women are Tayo's birth mother, Auntie, and Old Grandma. His mother left him when he was four years old and that began his sense of emptiness and abandonment. She could not bear to raise a child that brought the reservation shame by her mistake. Summary: Auntie raised Tayo and was the mother figure he lacked. She had no problem accepting to take him, but only to "conceal the shame of her younger sister". Auntie was always hesitant toward Tayo as he was not her real son and was also a half-breed. For Tayo, this only added to his feeling of displacement and emptiness. She would give her affection and attention to her real son Rocky, but would let Tayo just sit there alone. After the war Auntie nursed him because he was all she had left after Rocky got killed. He would wake up crying after dreaming about how much Josiah had loved him and always hugged him when he was a littlt child . Now he realized that there was no place left for him and he would never find peace. Auntie may have been a mother figure to him, but to Tayo she was just someone who looked after him. Old Grandma, unlike Auntie, does accept Tayo and wants what is best for him. When Auntie rejected the idea of a medicine doctor because he's not "full blood", Old Grandma got angry and said that he was her grandson and why should she care what they say anyway. She has been around for many years and doesn't worry about what other people will say about Tayo or about their family. The significance of Montano to the novel, Ceremony is very powerful and vital to the recovery of Tayo. She lives up in the rim rock and is in touch with the earth and her surroundings in every way. Being torn between the white world and the Indian world is what leaves Tayo feeling invisible and hollow inside. Montano helps him to become more in touch with his Indian side and to feel the strength and power from the earth. She teaches him the importance of certain plants, flowers, and ceremonies and how they are significant to Indian culture and survival. Tayo falls in love with her, and through his love, he begins to feel alive again. He realizes that he does have a place and that he is not invisible to everyone and to his surroundings. When he is not with her, instead of the nightmares, she fills his dreams. He woke up one night and thought about the overpowering love he felt for her. He shed "tears filled his eyes and the ache in his throat ran deep into his chest." Tayo no longer feels like a walking shadow, but finally a real person with feelings and emotions. It is through Montano that he discovers himself and ultimately is able to deal with being a half-breed in a changing world. When she finally leaves him, he is able to go on living and remembering all that she taught him. Conclusion: I really enjoyed this story. It was a great portrayal of how family might mistreat you just because you are a little different than them. Sometimes people can't deal with the fact that a family member is only half of the race that they are. I would definitely recommend this book to others, especially to anyone who feels that they are secluded and have no friends just because they are bi-racial.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Private Lives by Noel Coward Act One
Private Lives by Noel Coward Act One Private Lives is a play written by Noel Coward, first performed in 1930 on the London stage, starring Adrianne Allen and Laurence Olivier as the supporting characters, Gertrude Lawrence as the female lead (Amanda) and Coward (yes, the playwright himself) in the lead male role (Elyot). This witty comedy explores what happens when ex-spouses encounter one another while on their second honeymoon. During Act One, as the synopsis of the script will indicate, we learn that Amanda and Elyot are not suitably matched with their fellow newlyweds. Instead, despite their natural inclination to be petty and argue with each other, they fall suddenly and madly back in love. But will it last? The Setting of Private Lives Act One of Noel Cowards play takes place in a French hotel overlooking a harbor (with an expensive yacht within view of the characters). The two hotel rooms are side-by-side, each with their own balcony. Elyot and Sybil British couple celebrating their honeymoon. It is Elyots second marriage. She wonders how she compares to Amanda, Elyots first wife. (From five years ago.) He explains that doesnt hate his ex-wife, but he does feel sorry for her. Sybil asks if he could ever love Amanda again. He explains that love should be cozy and not filled with drama and jealousy and rage. She also states that she looks for masculinity within her husband: I like a man to be a man. He speculates that his new, feminine wife has designs to shape his character into some masculine ideal. She objects, but he comments that her plans might be subconscious. After ending the conversation about his ex-wife, he suggests that they go down to the casino. Amanda and Victor After Sybil and Elyot exit, another honeymooning couple appears in the next room. The newlyweds are Victor and Amanda (Thats right Elyots ex-wife.) Victor strikes up a conversation similar to he previous couple. He is curious about Amandas ex-husband. She reveals that she and Elyot physically fought each other on many occasions: VICTOR: He struck you once, didnt he? AMANDA: Oh more than once. VICTOR: Where? AMANDA: Several places. VICTOR: What a cad! AMANDA: I struck him too. Once I broke four gramophone records over his head. It was very satisfying. As they discuss her first marriage and their honeymoon plans, we learn a few contrasts about each character. For example, Sybil hates sunburned women because it seems unladylike. On the other hand, Amanda is anxious to get a sunburn, despite her husbands distaste. We also learn that both Amanda and Elyot are found of gambling, not just at the casino, but taking risks in life. In the middle of their conversation, Victor realizes that he does not really know his new bride very well. He is shocked when she says that she is not a normal person. AMANDA: I think very few people are completely normal really deep down in their private lives it all depends on a combination of circumstances. After a romantic kiss, Victor and Amanda exit to prepare for their evening together. Elyot sits alone on his balcony. Amanda does the same. They do not notice each other until begins singing along to music. Amanda notices him first, and although they are surprised to see each other, they attempt to remain calm. Amanda excuses herself and goes inside. Elyot tries to explain to Sybil that they must leave at once, but he does not reveal the reason. When she refuses to allow them to leave, Sybil bursts into tears as Elyot rages about her stubbornness. In the next room, Amanda is in a similar argument with her husband. However, when Victor remains obstinate she reverts to the truth. But Victor believes that she has only imagined her ex-husband. Victor storms off, headed for the bar. Sybil leaves in hysterics, headed for the downstairs dining room. Elyot and Amanda recall their early days together, reminiscing over the pleasant times and walking through the character flaws that led to their downfall. ELYOT: Were not in love all over again and you know it. She asks about Elyots travels throughout the world. In the middle of that conversation, Elyot confesses that he loves her. He wants her back again. They kiss. He proposes that they escape immediately, but she thinks that they should be honest with their new spouses. He convinces her otherwise and together they leave the hotel room. Victor Meets Sybil Sybil and Victor both enter their respective balconies looking for their missing spouses. Victor chats with her, inviting her for a drink. They look off into a distance, noticing the yacht down in the harbor. Act One ends wondering if Elyot and Amandas whirlwind reconciliation will last, and whether or not the jilted spouses Victor and Sybil will find comfort in one anothers company.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Role of Financialization in the Financial Crisis Assignment
Role of Financialization in the Financial Crisis - Assignment Example The severe turbulence that followed the financial crisis of 2007-2010 has raised concerns regarding the level at which the global financial system is ready to face critical failures. Moreover, the question of whether the financialization process, which has been promoted worldwide more than a decade, has been related to the above crisis has not been avoided. In fact, there are many indications that the specific process had a major role in the financial crisis of 2007-2010. Its potential involvement in a new crisis of such kind cannot be rejected. The current paper examines the role of the financialization process in the banking crisis of 2007-2010. Moreover, the potential relationship of the pursuit of shareholder value and the ‘new economy boom’ with the process of financialization is also explored. The examination of the literature published on the specific field has led to the assumption that the relationship between the above-mentioned events and frameworks is strong. At the next level, another issue is also discussed: the level at which investor behavior can influence corporate strategy and performance. It is proved that the involvement of shareholder value in corporate strategy and performance can be significantly influencing the corporate decisions on critical issues, as for example the strategies that the firm will follow for facing the expansion of financialization, as a global economic trend. Financialization, as a sociological and economic trend, is not a recent phenomenon. In fact, in accordance with Orhangazi (2008), three phases can be identified in the development of financialization: the first one represents the pre-1980 period during which financialization was based on a ‘long waves approach’ (Arrighi 1994 in Orhangazi 2008, p.41). In the years that followed in 1980, the financialization was related to the concept of neoliberalism (Orhangazi 2008). Recently, financialization has been related to the global financial mark ets (Orhangazi 2008). The view of Lucarelli (2011) that â€Å"financialization is related to the capitalism’ (Lucarelli, 2011, p.111) seems to be the most effective description of financialization, as a trend influencing the performance of the global financial system. On the other hand, Krippner (2011) refers to financialization as the ‘growing importance of financial activities as a source of profits in the economy’ (Krippner 2011, p.27). 2.2 The relationship between financialization, the banking crisis, the pursuit of shareholder value and the ‘new economy’ boom. As noted above, the financialization focused on the use of financial activities as the main source of profit. At the next level, financialization is an economic trend accepted and promoted globally, which means that it can affect the global financial system. The role of the financialization in the structure and the development of financial transactions worldwide has been revealed through the banking crisis of 2007-2010 (Foster, 2007). It was because of that crisis that the role of financialization for financial systems internationally has been set under consideration (United Nations, 2009). Financialization should be considered as a key cause of the appearance and the expansion of the 2007-2010 crisis, because of the following reasons: a) in the context of financialization the accumulation of profit worldwide has been related to financial activities; the exchange of money in its various forms has become a key method for achieving profit. In this way, the traditional method for gaining money, the work as physical activity has lost its value.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Aviation Memory and Cognition Research Proposal
Aviation Memory and Cognition - Research Proposal Example Similarly, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found that on June 19, 2011 two aircrafts came â€Å"within 300 feet of each other†(à ir’, 2012). Cessna 172 and ExpressJet that was carrying 53 people failed to identify a conflict regardless of the fact that they were both connected with the radio traffic control. The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) found that the controller who was on duty on the tower had a negative history of â€Å"professional deficiencies†with countless events where he disobeyed the standard procedures checklist that has to be followed at all times (‘Air’, 2012). This research paper aims to propose an investigative study to identify the factors that give rise to near-miss events by the ATCOs and how memory losses increases the number of near-miss incidents. The primary purpose of conducting this research is to bring to light the issue of near-miss by the ATCOs and the various factors that give rise to near-miss situations. This research proposal will provide a brief literature review on the topic, methodology, research design, expected outcome of the proposed research. Nashef (2003) highlighted that the concept of near-miss in air traffic control services refers to the loss of separation between two aircrafts in the air which if not prevent would lead to mid-air collision. Therefore, a near-miss is the situation in which the two aircrafts came very close to each other but did not collide. Nashef (2003) has categorized near-miss situations in three types, namely: Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. Type 1 near miss is one where the incident has occurred and the installed system in the aircrafts successfully detected and corrected the situation. It worked as it was planned to work and therefore, no harm was actually done. Type 2 near miss is one where the incident occurred but one or more of the installed system in the aircraft actually failed to detect the loss of
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Divorce - Cause and Effect Essay Example for Free
Divorce Cause and Effect Essay Before a marriage is fully â€Å"matured†3 out of 10 fail and resort in a divorce. No child want’s to hear the word divorce mentioned by their parents, little alone the other spouse. Many now a days seek divorce as an â€Å"easy way out,†given that they have an annulment. Some may even cheat the system and get married for the spouses money, title, or objects. The marriages that are there just for show, don’t tend to last as long and become unhappy. In a marriage anything can go wrong from bad communication, cheating, and abuse. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, once a Russian novelist said, â€Å"much unhappiness come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.†The number one reason marriages end is because of the lack of communication in the relation, according to Huffington Post. There are five main instances where a lack of communication can affect the marriage. The first one, is hiding your feelings. If youre having a heated conversation with your spouse but keeping in feelings or problems then where is your relationship going to go? Oh I can help, nowhere. The next type is bodily or physical. Simply rolling your eyes, walking away from the conversation, shrugging your shoulder, or even the lack of eye contact can push someone away. A â€Å"win-lose attitude†is one of the most aggravating things for someone to do, personally. If someone always says, â€Å"it wasn’t me,†if theyre judgemental or a very negative person it can agitate you and even bring you down. Lastly a lack of politeness can make someone feel underappreciated. If you continuously do something for someone and they correspond in a uncaring manner you will tend to feel over time like you don’t matter. The simple command, like â€Å"take the dog out,†can seem abrasive. Theyre no such thing as over kindness, if someone does something nice for you, you can just simply correspond with a â€Å"thank you.†â€Å"Thank you honey,†any house wife, or husband would love to hear of their spouse. Just by keeping the â€Å"spark†between you and your spouse lite can help keep them interested in you, instead of others. Infidelity is the cause for 53% of a divorce. Only 31% of marriages last after a cheating incident, and a whopping 53% of relationships are cheated. Isn’t it ironic though how psychiatrists and marriage counselors are the top two professions for the divorce rate. you would think since they work with helping marriages, that theyd have a lower chance, I guess not in this case. Many events can lead to infidelity. After the first year in the marriage there is the same habitual activities every day where the cheater may feel like they need something new in life, which is when someone may first turn to cheat. Having a child is a huge factor, it’ll affect the relationship no matter what you have done. The stress of having to completely care for another human being can affect you mentally, and some feel like they want to go out and have an adventure, but they turn to the wrong activity when that happens. When it comes to the 5th to 7th year, also known as â€Å"the seven year itch.†By this time most couples may have obtained the â€Å"american dream,†but they start to become bored and unhappy, so they turn to something new, to change things up. Then there’s the mid-life crisis. Generally around this time you’ve spent 20 years with the person, but youre just not quite sure that another 20 you want to be with the person. These instances are generally the reasons which fuels someone to cheat. It’s not always the case, but these are the times when infidelity is started. Just picture 5 million women, which is just a quarter of women in a marriage. That mere 25% is the percentage of women that have been in a abusive relationship. There’s six different way abuse can happen, the following are: physical, emotional, verbal, economic, mental, and sexual.Why do they do it? They seek to control their spouse. Emotional, mental, and verbal is generally how it starts, but then it can progress to sexual and economic. It can be hard for These types of abuse though don’t always pertain to the spouse, it could be happening to a child or children of the couple. To say divorce only affects the two joined in holy matrimony is an unstatement. The children, friends, family, everyone thats connected to the two can be effected. As a child that has divorced parent, since I was two, can say it still affects me. I have to figure out a time during break when I can go that doesn’t conflict too much with my sports, I barely get to see my dad, and it’s hard to see my mom work and earn all of the money, by herself for us. So if you don’t want your marriage to end try to keep good communication a priority, whatever you do don’t cheat, and be sure to check if youre being or are abusive, so you can get help to work on it. Sources Facts, Infidelity. â€Å"Infidelity Facts and Information.†Infidelity Facts. n.d. 27 March 2014. Pave, Project. â€Å"6 Types of Abuse.†Just for Teens. n.d. 27 March 2014. Post, Huffington. â€Å"Divorce Causes: 5 Communication Habits That Lead To Divorce.†November 29, 2012. HuffPost. 27 March 2014.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
aristotle Essay examples -- essays research papers
Aristotle Politics Aristotle in his book politics, argues that the political association is the highest form of human association , and making all his conclusions based on the assumption that ‘polis’ is the best and only sensible political system. He further adds that political association is the most sovereign and aims at the highest good Politics is largely an attempt to determine or rather prove that political association is the best suited way for securing the happiness of its members or as called in ‘politics’ the citizens .The interest of the polis and its citizens were seen to be the same since both the city and man aimed for happiness as the ultimate goal. According to Aristotle, life has no existence outside the confines of the city and that it is not the city that exists to serve the needs of the individual but is a mere part and the city is more important than the individual Aristotle’s admiration of the social system in a polis shows his support to the slavery. The polis consisted of citizens which men were born to citizen parent’s women children and slaves. Men were considered to be the only rational creation and had to engage and contribute in the political association of the city, while slaves were used for work. Aristotle’s above argument had some major weakness and flaws in it, he address the salves as non-rational, and it’s in there best interest to serve there masters, who would give them a rational vision. The main drawbac...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Jung: Psychology and Religion Essay
Jung is accurate in his assessment that religion, to many, is a very personal thing. Despite the fact religious organization comprise of many millions of people, a religious experience in not exclusively a collective experience. To most people, religion remains a personal experience that is encoded and decoded in the psyche as well as the spirit. From this, derives the numerous interpretations of what should be an exclusive singular item: the bible. After all, if something is the word of God, then there should only be one religion that derives from it. The notion of taking bits and pieces from the bible, accepting what is acceptable, disregarding what are not acceptable or re-inventing variants of interpretation is absurd on a number of levels. Yet, this is commonplace when it comes to the numerous religions that exist. What occurs, essentially, is that a leader of a religion develops what he or she feels is the truth (often this notion of what is true is arrived at, at the exclusion of any other interpretation of truth) and presented to a collective whole that constitutes the remaining followers of that particular branch of religion. In speaking of religion, I must make it clear from the start what I mean by the term†¦Religion is a careful and scrupulous observation of†¦a dynamic effect†¦not caused by an act of will. (Jung 8) In other words, there is a great deal of assimilation involved with an individual’s being drawn into the world of organized and institutional religion. Since religion exists, oftentimes, as a large omnipresent shadow that envelopes people and, in short order, Jung: Psychology and Religion Pg 2 indoctrinates them. To that regard, there is no true act of will present in terms of the actual acceptance. Yes, there may appear to be an appearance of an act of will, a conscious decision, but the reality is that the true act of will designed to accept the tenants or lifestyle of a religion are in fact, manufactured by external forces. This is about as far from an actual act of will as possible, although it has the perception of being a legitimate, personal act of will. Jung outlines this in his assessment that many time people will cling to a religion as a means of escaping what is some sort of neurosis, also known as psychic forces that seek to harm or undermine the free will (thought) of an individual. Jung goes to show that people are subject to a wide variety of neurotic repressions of varying degrees of severity. While people accept these neurotic feelings as something that is part of them, they feel that the root of all neurosis come from an external source and therefore require another external source in order to alleviate the neurotic feelings that they may be experiencing. The existence of such cases does something to explain why people are afraid of becoming conscious of themselves. There really is something behind the screen. (one never knows) so people are content to consider the external factors outside their very consciousness (Jung 17) This is where the tragic irony of accepting religion as a substitute for therapy. In other words, people seem to be drawn to a source of knowledge in the form of a status quo conclusion. In order to reach the enlightenment they feel will alleviate all their Jung: Psychology and Religion Pg 3 problems in life, they become willing to accept an external force that will provide them with the security they seek. Many times, this security comes in the form of an organized religion, a commonly popular and safe method that they may be able to accept along with so many other people. This is not to say there is something inherently wrong with religion as much as it is an observation of the fact people will accept the role of organized religion as a means of providing the elements that are missing in their life as well as providing an established security from an external force. The notion of external force is highly important here. People have a tendency not to look inward for support. They are always looking for an external source and, many times, that external source is the world of organized religion. While religions have been the source of great good in the world, there is not the omnipresent solution to people’s problems. To a great degree, Jung’s criticism hedges on the fact that people have a tendency to overreach in their expectations of what religion can offer them. This is outlined extensively through Jung’s work in order to drive such a point home. This does not mean, however, that there will always be an open ended commitment to religion and faith in terms of organized religion’s ability to grasp a hold on the psyche of an individual nor does it mean the individual will forever hold on to the religious institution as a crutch. Protestantism, having pulled down so many walls carefully erected by the Church immediately began to experience the disintegrating and schismatic effect of individual revelation. As soon as the dogmatic fence was broken down and ritual lost its authority, nab had to face his inner experience without the protection and guidance of dogma and ritual. (Jung 21) Jung: Psychology and Religion Pg 4 To that regard, there will be an eventually fusion (on some people’s part) to where rational intellect may take over if religion is not able to overtake the deficiencies of institutional religion when it comes to saving people from neurosis or problems of the psyches. Of course, not everything is the proverbial â€Å"one hundred percent†and rational intellect does not automatically provide a cure for any deficiencies. To leave one form of bondage for another is not freedom. Jung contends this in his discourse on rationality. Jung addressed this problem as well and extrapolates on the limits of rationality in the following: It is a psychological rule that when an archetype has lost its metaphysical boundaries, it becomes identified with the conscious mind of the individual, which it influences and refashions in its own form. And since an archetype always possesses certain numinosity, the integration of the numen generally produces an inflation of the subject. (Jung 315) What Jung states here is significant in the manner in which he points out the fact that when what is metaphysical or supernatural loses its significance to its competition: rational reason.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Standards Terminology Paper Nursing Intervention...
Standards Terminology Paper Elizaveta Pavlenko Frostburg State University Preface In standards terminology paper one patient’s assessment will be presented along with Nursing Diagnosis, Nursing intervention Classification and the Nursing Outcome Classification. In conclusion part of the paper, the summary of these systems will be provided. Clinical Encounter Mary Smith, Female, 56 years old, presented to Emergency Department with abnormal Chest Xray, fever, chills and generalized weakness on Friday, 10/31/2014. Per patient, she came to visit her physician after she started feeling abnormally tired at work. After consult, physician ordered Chest Xray that showed bilateral infiltrates in lungs. Given previous lung disease history, and history of COPD, physician suggested a visit to a local Emergency Room, after which Mary Smith was admitted to an outpatient unit for observation. Additional investigation of past medical history revealed that patient has Chronic Pneumonia due to Mycobacterium Avium Complex and Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Admission history revealed that Mary Smith lives with her spouse and work in a local retail store. Patient denied smoking history, alcohol consumption history, drug use history. Psychosocial assessment revealed that patient’s house was burglarized few months ago, otherwise no o ther stressful factors added. Patient presented with no known allergy history. Current medication assessment showed that patient takes probiotics,Show MoreRelatedIntroduction. This Paper Provides A Discussion Of The Electronic1523 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction This paper provides a discussion of the Electronic Health Record for healthcare, explains why it is important for nursing to have a standard nomenclature for nursing care, and compares and contrasts two of the nursing terminologies currently recognized by the American Nursing Association. 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