Friday, December 27, 2019
The 2013 s Americans For The Arts Policy Roundtable Program
The 2013’s Americans for the Arts policy roundtable program let the panels from different backgrounds got together and discussed about what arts should focus on this year, and the topic they came out was â€Å"Arts and Healing: Mind, Body and Community †(â€Å"2013 Report And Recommendations†, 3). When I first saw this topic, one name jumped into my mind, James Rhodes, a rising British pianist. He was abused by his teacher back into teenage time, and this tragic experience brought him not only physical harms but also mental illness. He got involved into some drug issues and everything just seemed so messed up. However, it is music that pulls him back from the edge and let him become whom he is today. He once said in the interview â€Å"On the piano††¦show more content†¦All those news are terrible, and it is about murder, corruption, and other bad things. Living in this society, I think everyone, no matter how happy that person looks like, we hav e some sort of â€Å"sickness†and need to get healed. Thus, I think this â€Å"policy†(it is more like a proposal to me) definitely is trying to serve a large population of people and aim to improve our living qualities and conditions in a more mentally way. According to this report, this program focused on providing arts programs and trainings for military veterans and service members as well. This policy also wants to cooperate with both social medias and healthcare organizations in order to hold healing groups to help people to recover and using digital technologies to increase the accessibility to arts (â€Å"2013 Report And Recommendations†, 4). First of all, I love their ideas of working with social media companies and high-technology companies. Nowadays, we rely on those two things the most, and try to let them get into the art world is actually making arts more visible and accessible to people. In the report, they said â€Å"Although we must take care to preserve the integrity of art, we should also welcome new digital changes and use them to improve our field†(â€Å"2013 Report And Recommendations†, 20). They also gave an example of how to digitalize the arts and let them easy to access, which was letting the music therapists
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Ethics A Theory Or System Of Moral Values Essay
Ethics Ethics is a topic that is brought up regularly, especially when it comes to the business world. In business it is imperative that you have a strong ethical conviction, otherwise it can be very easy to cross lines that you can’t come back from. There are countless examples of how businesses turn out when they employ people with strong ethics, and contrary to that you can see what happens when employees of a company show poor ethics. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ethics as â€Å"a set of moral principles: a theory or system of moral values.†This definition is good, but in the pages that follow I plan to unwrap that a little more and elaborate on when ethics is, should be, and how it plays out in todays business culture. â€Å"Integrity as a word originates from the Latin adjective integer and means the state or quality of being complete or whole.†Integrity as a character trait is a highly sought after character trait in the business world. Sadly, how ever, it is one that can be hard to find. I have heard integrity defined as â€Å"the good you choose to do when nobody’s watching.†Integrity is at the very root of ethics, because without it our ethical convictions will do us no good. In business, integrity is everything. Without integrity a business simply won’t last, and if they do they won’t be able to do so without the entire world knowing about their shortcomings. Thanks to social media, things done in the dark rarely stay in the dark. With all it’s flaws, the media hasShow MoreRelatedNormative Ethics : A Theory Or System Of Moral Values1356 Words  | 6 PagesWebster’s Dictionary defines ethics as â€Å"a theory or system of moral values†(Agnes, p. 295). Normative ethics is an area of ethics that centers on the standards for human conduct. Utilitarianism is a perspective of normative ethics, which focuses on consequences. The utilitarianism perspective regarding moralit y emphasizes that when making ethical decisions; we should choose to do whatever will result in the greatest good, taking all of mankind into consideration. The â€Å"moral thing to do†under thisRead MoreEthics : Value Theory, Normative Ethics, And Meta Ethics1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe topic of ethics has always been up for debate. Ethics as defined by Landau is, â€Å"moral philosophy that focuses on the branch of knowledge of answering question on how we ought to live. (Landau)†In order to grasp a deeper meaning of ethics Landau focuses , â€Å"questions about what our guiding ideals should be, in what sort of life is worth living, and how we should treat one another†(Landau). The purpose of these questions allows society to focus the key points of ethics, hedonism, physiologicalRead MoreThe International Relations And Foreign Policies Decisions Essay1430 Words  | 6 PagesThe importance of Ethic in the study of the international relations and in fo reign policies decisions by governments and others non-states. The structure of individual estates and how they behave has been influenced by the constitution of the international system. In others words, due to the fact that states behave in an anarchy system, in which is not a high authority that protects them in case that they found themselves into international affairs with others states, it makes that states persuadeRead MoreThe Importance Of Ethics And How Ethics Produce Effective Leaders1240 Words  | 5 PagesThis paper analyzes the importance of personal ethics in leadership and how ethics produce effective leaders. The importance of understanding ethics, motivation to act as a role model and developing a plan of action for an organization are discussed because of their importance regarding development of good leadership. These key aspects suggest personal ethics positively affect leadership and when made a priority for leaders will produce ethical and effective leadership. With so many definitions ofRead MoreThe Importance Of Ethics , Motivation, And A Role Model And Developing An Action Plan For An Organization1205 Words  | 5 Pages The importance of understanding ethics, motivation to act as a role model and developing an action plan for an organization are discussed because of their importance regarding development of good leadership. The personal ethics positively affect leadership and when made a priority for leaders will produce ethical and effective leadership to the organization. With so many definitions of leadership, the question evolved from â€Å"what is the definition of leadership?†to â€Å"what is good leadership†(CiullaRead MoreThe Ethics Of Leadership And How Ethics Produce Effective Leadership1224 Words  | 5 PagesI will examine the importance of personal ethics in leadership and how ethics produce effective leaders in organizations today. The importance of understanding ethics, motivation to act as a role model and developing a plan of action for an organization are discussed because of their importance regarding development of good leadership. These key points suggest pers onal ethics positively affect leadership and when made a priority for leaders will produce ethical and effective leadership. With so manyRead MoreEthics Vs. Kantian Ethics1249 Words  | 5 Pagesmaking. Two prominent ethical theories that arose were utilitarianism and deontological ethics. Both ethical theories developed to establish and justify a set of different moral rules and principles. Utilitarianism, otherwise known as consequentialism, is an ethical theory that sees the best moral decision is one that maximizes utility, which implies that no moral decision is intrinsically right or wrong. Deontological ethics or Kantian ethics is a normative ethical theory that judges the morality ofRead MoreEthics And Morality Are The Same Thing812 Words  | 4 PagesWhen discussing ethics, people often think ethics and morality are the same thing. But in order to understand ethical leadership, it can be beneficial to view these two concepts differently. One of the most important ethical philosophers of modern times has been John Rawls, who made a clear distinction between comprehensive moral systems and less comprehensive systems. The distinction can help better understand the idea of ethical leadership. To Rawls, the two differ in the following manner: †¢ ComprehensiveRead MoreMoral Philosophy And Its Strength And Weaknesses1350 Words  | 6 PagesA system of moral principles is a definition of ethics in a culture or a group. Principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong are one definition of moral. In this essay, I will search for my principles and how I ought to live my life. What do I believe in and how do I apply this in my duty as a human being, as a father, husband and a military officer. In other words, I will search for my moral philosophy. Furthermore, I will explain my moral philosophy and itsRead More A Taxonomy of Moral Realism Essay1637 Words  | 7 PagesA Taxonomy of Moral Realism ABSTRACT: The realist dispute in ethics has wide implications for moral ontology, epistemology, and semantics. Common opinion holds that this debate goes to the heart of the phenomenology of moral values and affects the way in which we understand the nature of moral value, moral disagreement, and moral reflection. But it has not been clearly demonstrated what is involved in moral realist theory. I provide a framework which distinguishes three different versions of
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Black Robe Essay Research Paper My free essay sample
The Black Robe Essay, Research Paper My male parent, the head of our small town, made a trade with the Frenchman, Samuel de Champlain, the head of his people. My male parent accepted pots and axes and nutrient in exchange for taking two Frenchmans to the Huron Indians. One adult male, named Father La Forge, was a priest, we called him Blackrobe because he wore a black robe. The other Frenchman was a immature adult male who wanted to be a priest. He knew our linguistic communication about every bit good as we did. His name was Daniel. This missive is brooding of all that has happened to our people and all people like us. My name is Annuka. My male parent is the Chief of our folk. We are one folk of many in the Algonquin peoples. I hope this missive will assist people to understand the demand for our differences and the credence of all those differences in each and every one of us. It is my hope and desire that we should all happen peace within ourselves and understand our dreams as gifts from our Supreme beings so that we may be openly guided down life # 8217 ; s tracts and obstructions. I will get down my narrative as our journey began to assist the Blackrobe and his friend reach the Huron Indians and the other Blackrobes. We got up early this forenoon to get down our long journey to the Hurons. The trip was really peaceable and long this twenty-four hours. Blackrobe surprised and impressed our people as they worked every bit difficult as we did. Blackrobe and Daniel paddled strongly along side our work forces. But Blackrobe has a batch to larn about the wood. He does non understand that it is our place and we have but to listen and it will talk to us and steer us. It is where we find our nutrient and idolize our Supreme beings. It is where we play and eat. The forest protects us from danger, allowing us know when it is nigh. He has much to larn. The work f orces in our folk do non swear Blackrobe. They feel he is a devil who does non cognize adult females. He is merely half a individual because of that. And why does he pray out loud and round himself? During our trip my male parent keeps holding this dream. He talks to the work forces and so seeks the reading of Mestigoit, the Shaman from the Montagnais Tribe who so travels with us. In his dream a Corvus corax comes and eats out his eyes. He sees the Blackrobe but he is cold and entirely. My male parent sees this beautiful topographic point where he feels as though he will decease. Mestigoit does non like the Blackrobe. He thinks he is the ground my male parent will decease. The Blackrobe is lost and helpless without us. He is vulnerable, yet he is demanding. Daniel and I fall in love but we can non state anyone. We conceal our clip together because we don # 8217 ; t want to disgrace our male parents. But one dark Blackrobe does see us. Then he prays and beats himself. Daniel and he talk. Blackrobe, # 8220 ; Come pray forgiveness to God for our wickednesss! # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8220 ; I have no wickedness to confess. # 8221 ; Blackrobe, # 8220 ; I thought you wanted to go a priest? # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8220 ; I did one time, but non any longer. These people are the true Christians. They live for each other, they forgive each other for things that the Gallic can non. # 8221 ; Blackrobe, # 8220 ; I am afraid of this country. # 8221 ; Daniel, # 8221 ; They believe that the psyches of work forces hunt the psyche of animate beings. Is it harder to believe that we sit on clouds and expression at God? # 8221 ; My people believe that Balckrobe is of the Satan. He is evil harmonizing to Mestigoit. He wants to kill him before he kills or causes the decease of my male parent. Mestigoit tries to demo my male parent and the others by watching Blackrobe in the wood. Blackrobe took our dead babe and chanted and performed some type of ritual on his brow. The Shaman bel ieves that Blackrobe stole the babe # 8217 ; s psyche. My male parent knew that he was caring for the babe, but it was difficult to cognize for certain. We decided to go forth them behind, even though my male parent was non happy about it. My male parent awards his word and he told Champlain that he would present them to the Hurons. He took axes and nutrient and pots in trade to make that. Daniel would non remain behind. He loved me and wanted to be with me. He was really angry with Blackrobe, you could see it in his face. Daniel followed us to the trail of the high land. We were traveling to our winter place to run elk for nutrient and vesture and shelter. Another ground no 1 trusts Blackrobe is because he took our words and set them on this paper. No 1 could understand what it was. But so once more, nil he did do any sense to my male parent. I think what made him mad was when Blackrobe demanded canoeists for the remainder of his trip. We traveled 1500 stat mis, paddling 12 hours a twenty-four hours. This was adequate. But my male parent made a promise so back we went. We had to pick up Blackrobe before the Indians killed him. Little did we know we were headed into danger and decease ourselves. We left the high land with my brother, myself, my female parent and male parent along with a few of our work forces to acquire Blackrobe. The winter runing land will hold to wait. We were ambushed by a folk of Hurons. There was no flight. I was frozen in clip when I saw my female parent killed where she stood. The arrow went directly through her cervix. All I could make was catch my brother and prevarication over him to protect him. My male parent took an pointer in his side as he put himself over both of us. I watched Blackrobe take my female parent # 8217 ; s spirit. I besides saw Daniel shoot the gun and kill 2 Huron Indians, but we were still captured. They tied us up and made us walk to their small town where we were thrown down a gantlet and beaten. All I could believe about was my male parent now and my brother. I held him shut to me as I watched my male parent, Blackrobe and Daniel be stripped of their apparels as they stand at that place in forepart of all the people. Then Blackrobe was taken and a Huron cut off portion of his finger with a seashell. # 8220 ; Please wear # 8217 ; t ache my male parent or Daniel # 8221 ; , I prayed to my Supreme be ings. Then my male parent began to intone and Blackrobe and Daniel began to sing. Just as I thought it was over they grabbed my brother from my weaponries and in forepart of us all grabbed his hair and cut his caput off. It all happened so fast. I will neer bury his face. It is everlastingly etched into my bosom. We were tied up and taken to a topographic point to kip. A guard watched over us. I knew as my male parent did that we were traveling to decease if we didn # 8217 ; t acquire out of there. I didn # 8217 ; T want my male parent to decease in this topographic point. They would make something horrible to him. They said they would skin off his tegument while he was alive and do him shout. I could non watch this. It was certain that we would all decease so as they slept I took the opportunity and crawled to the guard. He took my progresss and unfastened me. I had to give myself to him to salvage us all. It was difficult thing for me, but nil compares to decease. I saw a big st ick and hit him every bit hard as I could. He passed out and we were able to get away. I did non desire to take Blackrobe. I wanted him to remain behind because he is the cause of all of this. But my male parent said no. My male parent was deceasing and the pointer was still piercing his side. If we took it out it would hold killed him. We traveled along the border of the river for 2 yearss when we put ourselves to set down. Then there it was. My male parent # 8217 ; s vision His dream He knew that he had reached the topographic point that he would decease. We walked with him. As I lay him down he was saddened. He felt he had non been brave in his life. He felt that if he had merely known that this was the twenty-four hours of his decease, he would hold been much braver. He felt he had been every bit greedy as the white adult male, but he was non. He was really courageous and he made us all proud. # 8220 ; I do non wish to woolgather, father. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Without dreams # 8211 ; how do you see the manner in front? You must woolgather, my girl! This universe is a barbarous topographic point but it is the sunshine! # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Go, my girl. The She-Manitou is waiting for you! Before you go # 8211 ; in my dream # 8211 ; the Blackrobe walks alone. # 8221 ; We left my male parent to decease in peace. Blackrobe walked toward my male parent but I did non swear him! # 8220 ; Leave my male parent to decease in peace! Don # 8217 ; t touch him, Don # 8217 ; Ts take his spirit! We must travel now. # 8221 ; We canoed for yearss back to land in the way of the Huron Village. I told Blackrobe what way it was to the Hurons. Daniel didn # 8217 ; t want to go forth him. I told him, # 8220 ; A dream is existent, it must be obeyed. He must travel alone. # 8221 ; Blackrobe told him we had lost everything because of them and Daniel must travel with me. Blackrobe made a funny remark as we walked off. He said, # 8220 ; If dreams are the existent universe # 8211 ; this one is an semblance. No names # 8211 ; be soundless. The dead talk at dark. God bless you both # 8221 ; , and he left. We neer saw him once more. I heard Tell that when he did get at the Huron Village that the Indians had killed one of the blackrobes and the other died shortly after Blackrobe arrived. The decease that was brought by the blackrobes was feared to be a mark from their Gods as if their Gods were the most powerful and were killing our peoples if they did non go baptised and convert. I heard that Blackrobe buried and burned the dead and baptized the remainder of the Hurons. Daniel and I found our topographic point and we were accepted by my people. I don # 8217 ; t understand why people # 8220 ; can # 8217 ; t merely acquire along # 8221 ; ! I don # 8217 ; t understand why people can # 8217 ; t accept each other for their differences. I believe that sometime in the hereafter at that place will come a twenty-four hours when all people will be united as one. I don # 8217 ; t want our kids to turn up in a clip of bias and misinterpretation, but I fear they will. All we can make is do a alteration one individual and one twenty-four hours at a clip. 323
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Poetry Analysis free essay sample
â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His love†by, Christopher Marlowe and â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†by, Sir Walter Raleigh are both pastoral poems that tend to basic human desires in a simplified country life of beauty, music, and love. â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His love†idealizes the shepherd’s country life to try and win the love of his lady. On the contrary, â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†is a parody to â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †Sir Walter Raleigh pretends to write in the style of the original poem but exaggerates that style and changes the content for comic effect. In The Nymph’s Reply, the nymph’s idea of the shepherd’s ever-lasting gifts is comical. In other words, the nymph shuts him down and even if the shepherds gifts where ever-lasting then it would still just be a maybe. While both â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†and â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love†use the same writing style, â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†uses different poetic elements such as tone, imagery and diction to spoof â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.†Imagery is used in literature in order to describe or enhance sensory experiences to the text. The imagery in both â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†and â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love†is of the country life. Both poems provide the reader with imagery of fields of flock, flowers, rivers, and material things made from nature. However, the imagery of these two poems may be of the same thing, but their views on what it may look like are entirely different. â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love†by Christopher Marlowe provides imagery of the beautiful pleasures the shepherd has to offer; he says â€Å"And I will make thee bed of roses and a thousand fragrant poses, a cap of flowers, and a kirtle embroidered all with leaves of myrtle†(Marlowe 914). In other words, the imagery of the materialistic items illustrates what the shepherd is willing to offer if this lady will be his love. On the contrary, â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply t o the Shepherd†Sir Walter Raleigh says, â€Å"Thy gown, thy shoes, thy beds of roses, thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy poses soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten; in folly ripe, in reason rotten†(Raleigh 914). In other words, the imagery is still of the gifts offered by the shepherd but the nymph uses imagery such as â€Å"wither,†and â€Å"rotten†to show the pleasures of having these gifts will not last forever. All in all, both poems use similar imagery to describe a pastoral lifestyle but their diction is what sets these two poems apart. Diction can be defined as a style of writing determined by the choice of words the author uses. In both â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His love†and â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†the authors use such words as: flocks, gowns, roses, love, and other words to make a distinct connection between the two poems. However, the diction used in â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His love†is different because Marlowe uses words such as, â€Å"we†and â€Å"delight†to make his poem sound more cheerful in hope winning the love of his lady (Marlowe 914). In contrast, â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†uses words such as: If, break, fade, fall, forgotten and might to show the nymph’s uncertainty in the shepherd’s words (Raleigh 914-915). Therefore, not only is diction a good way to analyze the similarities and difference between two poems, but then again a reader can also analyze through tone. Through tone, the reader is able to learn about a characters personality and disposition. The tone the shepherd uses in â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love†is hopeful and optimistic because he offers all the pleasures of his rural lifestyle in hope of love returned by the lady. Marlowe says, â€Å"Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove that valleys, groves, hills, and fields, woods or steepy mountain yields†(Marlowe 913). In other words, the shepherds tone is optimistic because he hopes the pleasures of experiencing the beauty in nature will win thy lady’s love. While the shepherds tone is hopeful, the tone in â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†is pessimistic and cold; perhaps the nymph is even realistic. Raleigh provides the reader with the nymphs cold tone is the opening stanza, â€Å"If all the world and love were young, and truth in every shepherd’s tongue, these pretty pleasures might me move to live with thee and be thy love†(Raleigh 914). For instance, the nymph’s tone is doubtful because she uses words such as: â€Å"if†and â€Å"might.†In addition, to the nymphs tone being doubtful she is also comical knowing what the shepherd says is just a lie to get her to be thy love. All in all, tone helps the reader better analyze the similarities and differences between â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His love†and â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd.†To conclude, a reader can better analyze â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His love†and â€Å"The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd†by comparing and contrasting poetic elements such as tone, diction, and imagery.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hackers Hell Essays - Hacker, Computer Network Security, Cybercrime
Hackers Hell To deal with hackers who break through office systems through the Internet it is important for information managers to understand their enemy well. If they have sound background knowledge about hackers, they might be prepared to deal with them in a much more effective method. Hackers are very educated often mostly university or high school students who try to break through systems for which they have no authorization. They deal poorly with people, have few friends and less relationships, but at the same time are very smart. Therefore they revert to computers because they know computers will not reject them. With bulletin board communication they can form social relationships but those are behind the screen, where hackers feel shielded. (Pfleeger, pp.12-13) Hackers justify the crime of cracking through systems by stating that nobody gets hurt in this situation. Hacking can be done without having a conflict with any human. Hackers also usually work in groups, and when they do so they become more dangerous to office systems. By sharing information they manage to put together a solution that would allow them to break in a office system. The news media has labeled hackers as mere children who play pranks. (Pfleeger, p.13) Even Amy Wohl who is a noted information systems consultant states that ?the hacker risk is the smallest of the computer crime risks.? (Ray, p. 440) Amy Wohl's statement is incorrect because due to the hacking of automated office systems millions of dollars in damages have occurred. According to the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) the increase attacks by hackers through the Internet has jumped to 323% since 1992. Total losses to the U.S. industry are approximately $2 billion per month. Thus it is very essential for information managers to know about the different problems hackers can create for automated office systems through the Internet. (Anthes ?Hack Attack.?, p.81) One of the main problems that hackers can cause is that they can break into office electronic mail (e-mail) messages. This can be especially dangerous for those office systems who use electronic mail as their main source of communication.. Electronic mail on the Internet is as confidential as a postcard. After the sender transmits the message, it travels from one network to another until it reaches its recipient. Therefore, hackers can easily break into electronic mail while it is traveling towards its destination. Further, when it reaches the recipient there will not be any evidence of tempering with the e-mail. (Rothfeder , p. 224-225) Another tool that hackers use is called a sniffer. A software which can be easily planted in an organizations system, works like a concellead recorder and captures e-mail messages as they are exchanged. (Behar, p.35) Hackers value e-mail because it contains valuable information. They can find anything from secret strategic plans to log-in passwords r equired to get into the office system. Once they have this vital information, hackers can have access and cause major damage to the office system. (Rothfeder, p. 225) One of the victims of e-mail hacking was Wind River Systems. A software company, Wind River Systems has a communication system where they exchange e-mail with customers on the Internet. By trying a few passwords on the office system, hackers were able to access the system of Wind River Systems in California and France. When a expensive bill for accessing the Internet came to Wind River Systems, they found that hackers had gotten in their communication system. Wind River Systems discovered that due to the intrusions hackers obtained programming codes which could have the potential to hurt future performance of the company. (Behar, p.33) Penetrating electronic mail is just one way hackers intrude and destroy office systems. Banks who have established office system that provide online banking services to clients also face problems. One of the first Internet banks, Security First Network had to stop hackers from electronically breaking into account files in the first few months of its operations. In addition, Citibank's office system was also hacked when a Russian hacker electronically transferred $11 million from New York to Finland, Israel, and California. These incidents leaves many banks in doubt whether they should have systems that are capable of providing customer service on the Internet. Instead,
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Oedipus, The King essays
Oedipus, The King essays A mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability is called Hero. A man admired for his achievements and noble qualities. In Early Greek plays, they are taller and larger than any other men. They were very strange and attractive. While anti hero is a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities. Or a person or thing blamed for a particular evil or difficulty. Sophocles is one of the renowned great tragic writers during the Early Greek period. He was the younger contemporary of Aeschylus and the older contemporary of Euripides. Sophocles won his first victory at the Dionysian dramatic festival in 468, however, defeating the great Aeschylus in the process. This began a career of unparalleled success and longevity. And one of his Stunning success was the story of Oedipus. This story started when Oedipus has been made King of Thebes, in gratitude for his freeing the people from the plague brought on them by the presence of the riddling Sphinx. Since Laius, the former king, had shortly before been killed, Oedipus has been further honored by the hand of Queen Jocasta. Now another deadly pestilence is raging and the people have come to ask Oedipus to rescue them as before. The King has anticipated their need, however. Creon, Jocasta's brother, returns at the very moment from Apollo's oracle with the announcement that all will be well if Laius' murderer be found and cast from the city. In an effort to discover the murderer, Oedipus sends for the blind prophet, Tiresias. Under protest the prophet names Oedipus himself as the criminal. Until they realized that there is a prophecy that the King Laius will be killed by his own son and the son will marry his own mother. And that is Oedipus. Oedipus really didnt know he was the son of Laius because he was a dopted by the King and Queen of Corinth. After the incident, Jocasta committed su ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Integration of Faith and Learning I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Integration of Faith and Learning I - Essay Example To begin with, one might point out that in spite of the fact that the above mentioned verse does not define what â€Å"a good name†is, it clearly states the supremacy of character over temporal values such as money. In other words, this verse urges a person to put emphasis on personal spiritual development and have a sound, well developed character instead of a bank account full of money. This means that working on oneself is more preferable than spending time on earning additional money. The logic behind this is quite simple: while money is a resource that can be destroyed easily (spend or inflate), good character as well as a good name that comes with it will never spoil. Secondly, the same verse might also be applied to a firm. In this case, a good name should be understood as reputation and riches – financial funds. Indeed, the above mentioned abstract of the Bible teaches firms to pay attention toward building a good reputation in stead of accumulating financial resources. The logic that this guideline features is similar to the one that was discussed previously: a firm should not consider money to be basis of its prosperity, but rather a good reputation that can last for many years, while money can be arrested or blocked, leaving a firm helpless. Finally, one would make no mistake suggesting that the above mentioned verse might be interpreted in terms of marketing and management. Thus, the Bible argues that it is highly beneficial for a company to contribute to its reputation in different ways. For example, it is important to avoid involvement in scandals and make sure that every employee is working on strengthening firm’s positive image which will later be used as a competitive advantage when it comes to positioning on the market. Having examined all the points mentioned in the paragraphs above, in spite of the fact that the Bible is largely considered to be a sacred book of a particular religion, the ideas that it embraces may not
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